Yum Yum Ramen

Ramen is a staple dish that makes you feel warm inside. I call it “Yum Yum” ramen since it is inspired by yum yum sauce, which is a sriracha-mayo combined with other spices! This recipe is on the spicier side so reduce the spice level by cutting down on sriracha if you would like! I love mine spicy and with a drizzle of sriracha on top! 

Yum Yum Ramen

Make this ramen if you want a bowl of ramen that tastes like you got it at a restaurant. This is the best homemade ramen recipe by far! This ramen is on the spicier side, so adjust to your own liking 🙂
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine Asian
Servings 1


  • 1 pack ramen
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce (I use low-sodium)
  • 2 tsp sriracha
  • 1 tbsp mayo
  • 1 lg egg (to whisk in)
  • 1 lg egg soft-boiled***
  • 1 tsp chili oil
  • 1 tsp peanut butter (optional)
  • 1-2 green onions chopped
  • 1 tsp ferakaki seasoning
  • 1 tsp chili flakes
  • 1 clove minced garlic
  • 2 tsp ginger paste
  • 1 tbsp sesame oil
  • 2 pieces tempura shrimp (I get mine from Costco)


  • Start off by boiling your ramen (and egg if necessary). While boiling, start the next step.
  • In your ramen bowl, whisk together the soy sauce, sriracha, mayo, egg, chili oil, peanut butter (optional), green onion, ferakaki, chili flakes, minced garlic, ginger paste and sesame oil. Whisk until combined.
  • While the water is still boiling, start preparing your tempura shrimp.
  • Once water is boiled, pour a little in the sauce mixture and whisk.
  • Top off the bowl with your water and desired amount of hot water. Top the ramen with more fresh green onion,the soft boiled egg sliced in half and tempura shrimp. Optional toppings can also include more ferakaki seasoning, sriracha and sesame seeds! Enjoy this delicious recipe!


***Soft boiled eggs are fairly simple. In boiling water, gently cook the egg for 6 minutes. Make sure to drop the boiled egg in an ice water bath when finished. For easy peeling, peel the shell under running water.
Keyword ramen, shrimp, spicy